Parents Meeting Material - Rules, reminders, "Need-to-knows" and more!

Dear Shakespeareans,

Due to the Parent’s Meeting being cancelled. I will give out as much information as I can in this post. I hope I have sent your kids home relatively knowledgeable of the situation. If you have any questions, concerns, or would like a bit more information, feel free to call me (315-6813) or to pull me aside before or after class.  So let’s get to it!

T-shirts: Students have voted on the design for our class t-shirts. This is the student’s reward for participating in the class and completing their ten steps last semester. However, since all tuition from the class is going into rental of the theatre and other fees associated with the class, I’m asking each student to pay for their own shirt. The cost will be $15.00, and I will need the money by the date of Auditions so I can put in the order online. Please bear in mind that your student has worked hard in class this year, and it’s a great accomplishment for everyone.

Parent Volunteer signups: (See "Production Roles" Page.)

As the Shakespeare Conquest Mentor I can only do so much. Come production time, I need a little help. I’m asking one adult representative from each family to fulfill one or two roles on the attached signup sheet. Alongside each position, there is a short description of what the position entails. Please pick your top three you’ll be able to fulfill in order of preference, and let me know so I can arrange who will be able to fulfill what positions. I recommend you do your best to incorporate the rest of your family in this role. For instance, if you are asked to sell concessions during intermission of the show, you could have a day of baking with your family and kids, and perhaps even have one of your family members assist you when actually selling them. Or if you were asked to work on finding costume pieces, you could show your kids exactly how you kept track of who had what costume piece, etc. It’s a great opportunity. I’ve been careful to make sure all positions for the parents are capable of being done without missing the performance.

Rehearsal Schedule: (See "Rehearsal Schedule" page.)
Students will be sent home with a schedule as well.

Weekdays: Depending on what role your child receives, they may have to attend up to three rehearsals a week. (Though most will only attend 1-2.) It is imperative that he/she does not miss any rehearsals! The show can’t go on if it’s missing even one person, and if one person is missing, it throws everyone off their groove. Extenuating circumstances are understandable, but unexplained absences are not. If you know you won’t be able to make it for a rehearsal, please call ahead.

Increased hours: Please notice that starting Tuesday, March 8th, Class, (hitherto to be known as “Rehearsal”) will be held from 1-4pm instead of 1-3.

Theatre Production Contracts: (See "Production Contract" page.)
Students will also be sent home with a copy of this.

The production this spring is going to be a blast! But it’s going to be a group effort. Students will be required to attend rehearsals up to three times a week, as well as memorize their part for the play. This is an excellent opportunity to learn team spirit and how group effort effects the overall achievement. The same goes for Parents and their families, who will be signing up for a role in the production as well. To make sure students and families are committed to doing this, I have drawn up a “Theatre Production Contract” which will lay forth the responsibilities of students and parents during the production. All students and their parent/guardian must sign this contract before the date of Audition next week to participate in the class.

Auditions: As I’ve already stated, in order to participate in the production, students will need to hand in a signed Theatre Production Contract BY the date of auditions, (next week). They will also need to have money in for their t-shirts by that day. In addition, they will need to memorize a short 1-3 minute audition piece. Whether it be a poem, a short story, a monologue, a passage from a book, or anything else they can dream up in their creative mind. The only requirements are to use your best judgment as to whether it’s appropriate or not, and to be as creative as possible!

Thanks for your patience everyone! Remember to let me know which positions you can fill so I can send out the completed form. And if anyone has any questions, concerns, or other, just give me a call, shoot me an email, or pull me aside before or after class.


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